We’re abandoning and banishing the economics of scarcity, and starting to practice quantum abundance, as knowledge beings, as human stories, each one of us a narrative dramatic chapter in the alive, organic, dynamic digital smartbook of Mankind. 

Qualped (QPED) was generated to empower authors, writers, publishers, and creators, to be able to operate a decentralized financial system that finds its integrity in peer to peer verification.

For too long authors had to depend on a highly centralized system, where corporate publishers monopolized terms and conditions of how Intellectual Property was distributed and shared.

For the first time in human history, an opportunity exists for authors to publish their work, and embed their monetization within a blockchain model. Hence, qualped coin is the solution for writers and authors and self-publishing entrepreneurs worldwide to transform how the game is played.


Qualped (QPED) is here. The qualped vision provides a cooperative financial system for peer to peer Intellectual Property creators to play the publishing game according to their rules and terms and conditions 

The launch of the qualped coin is a significant advent for the trading of Intellectual Property, as the goal is to equip authors and creators to develop a robust and rewarding global publishing system, using cooperative money.


qualped cryptocurrecy empowers authors, writers, and publishers, and other creators

The qualped cryptocurrency is digital money dedicated to providing a decentralized network for authors, writers and publishers, and creators, to own their own economic platform rather than be subjected to any centralized system that hugs their royalties and rights and IP.


Society, Space and Scarcity


We practice the science of economics to manage, allocate and share crucial life resources. Once we found out that we need resources to survive, thrive and expand our environs, to achieve our dreams, visions and aspirations, we discovered this idea of competition with each other.

The man and woman copulate in sexual relations, and children come forth. Soon, a tribe forms. Society expands. But we see that the resources necessary for the society to survive, thrive and grow remain the same, not expanding to keep up with growing society.


Who sits in that warmest spot next to the fireplace? That spot is scarce resource, and that scarcity generates competition. How do we manage scarce resource so that every individual member of society lives a satisfying lifestyle?


Competition pits the individual against society, although we foster a symbiotic relationship with each other, under the shiny surface mirage of “civilization”. Through social norms, culture, rules, laws, taboos, civilization, we erect boundaries, walls, gateways that we feel protect us from potential harm and deprivation. These boundaries also serve as our social contract with society, our collective agreement to co-exist in harmony.

Ideas like peace, love, tolerance, togetherness support and firm up the unwritten spirit of individuals tacitly agreeing to co-exist in a society. So one person wins the right to sit in the warmest spot, and everybody else settles into his or her own space.


Below the surface of society, however, is the violent undercurrent of competition. We compete with each other because a society of living organisms needs resources to survive, thrive and grow, and those resources – we convinced ourselves over history, do not abound, but suffer serious scarcity. So if we face scarce resources, we confront a serious problem: how to share, manage and allocate these scarce resources?


That warm spot is scarce, we convince ourselves, and therefore we’re competing for it, a violent confrontation with each other, be it psychological, cultural, emotional, physical, or social. That violent competing confrontation for resources which we see as scarce, this idea underlies society.


When we consider this fact, that expanding society and scarce resources go hand in hand, and that the individual is the unit that makes up the society, we stumble upon a conundrum: what is the relationship between scarce resources and expanding society? How do we position the individual as a member of society relative to those resources? We need those resources, but how do we manage who gets what?


In other words, how should society manage, allocate and share water, land, air, and the necessities of life? And then, as a society, how do we manage the individual’s use of these vital, crucial resources?


We invented the science of economics to solve this problem, this immense conundrum.

Through the advance of different Ages, what we label civilization develops. Today, civilization functions through the science of economics, where we manage resources through finances, the technology of money, and the social contract of paid transactions.


Nations, cities, society on the whole, and individuals, today co-exist under economic cultures that use money and finances as the technology for transactions, of sharing, allocating and managing resources for the overall benefit of society, but also for the satisfaction of the individual within the norms of his or her society.


This would be all good and fine, except for that underlying violent undercurrent that drives today’s economic cultures – competition.


Economic thinkers developed the universal economic system from the perspective that we suffer from limits of space. Why do we see resources as scarce, that we must compete for? Because physical space is scarce, we concluded. That warm spot, only one body could occupy at a time.


So humans evolved this idea that everything is scarce – water, air, land, food, housing, cars, roadways, love, peace. Our underlying assumption in life is that everything is scarce. Even life is scarce, because we grow old and die, living on average less than 100 years on this earth. So if everything is in scarcity, we must manage, allocate and share these super scarce resources with careful consideration.


So we made even money scarce. We invented money as the means and technology for transactions between individuals of society, so that we share, allocate and manage resources for the satisfaction of every person. Yet, we made money scarce, adding money and finances to the long list of scarce resources.


However, when we consider the genesis of the idea of scarcity, we come face to face with the frontal lie of this idea of scarcity. The genesis of our feeling that every single thing in this life is scarce, finds root in how we see space. We see space as scarce, with limited occupation possible. And we proceed to employ that feeling across the entire spectrum of humanity.


So we made the underlying principle of economics this idea of scarcity, which engineers competition, thus fuelling the violent undercurrent of life, confrontation.


And thus, human society is the way we are today. We even excuse this economic lie with a biological phenomenon, that the fittest survive and the weak perish.


We could solve many human problems facing our world were we to reconsider this underlying undercurrent of economic theory, of scarcity. Yes, society grows and expands and demands ever more and more resources. But, really, is space a scarce resource?


For such answers we need to look at the laws of Physics. One theory about Space that Physicists agree on is that space is infinite, and keeps expanding. Despite aberrations like black holes and other phenomenon of collapsing or atrophying space, we know that space goes on and on, ad infinitum.


But we looked at that warm spot next to the fireplace, covet it and concluded that space is a scarce, limited resource. We look at the world horizontally, what’s in front of us. We do not look up. Hence we miss the perspective that space is not at all linear, straight ahead, a horizontal line. Rather, were we to look up, we would see space as infinite, extending so far up, that we cannot even see the height of its horizon.


Herein lies the mistake we make, which we embed into the universal economic system that dictates the life of every human being: in the way we look at our world, we see scarcity instead of abundance. We look at our world horizontal, linear, straight ahead.


Were we to instead lift our heads and look up – emulating Jesus Christ and the disciples, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, we would see the immense possibility of a life filled with abundance. We would rid ourselves of the notion of scarcity, competition, and confrontation over who owns what.


That warmest spot by the fireplace, with our new perspective of possibility, expansion, abundance, no longer appears scarce, but is a mirror of what’s possible. We use our imagination instead of our empirical mind to imagine how every member of the camp could sit in just such a warm spot, with a view as ideal as that one person who occupies a coveted position, how we could mirror and mimic that spot so everybody shares the experience. This new viewpoint focuses not on object, but on experience.


Back in the Agricultural Age and Feudal Age, society suffered a grotesque dichotomy, where farmers, labourers and peasants made up the society of “commoners”, and the elite, royal rulers made up high society. Today, the average person anywhere in the world sleeps in a bed as soft and regal as the kings and queens of old. Back then, the royal king and queen beds were scarce; today they are abundant.


How did we advance what once we thought of as scarce, to being so abundant today?


We simply mirrored the scarce resource, through imitation and mimicking. We imagined what’s possible, and made images of the original. We duplicated everything, and in that way, solved the problem of scarcity. Ignoring the oneness of the object, we extended the experience into one whole global phenomenon.


With the Internet, we create, generate and build an entirely new imaginary spatial world. No longer do we live in a world only of limiting physical space. Now we live also in ever-expanding virtual space. And virtual space expands and extends our soul, pushing our imagination to create and generate whatever we dream of, aspire to and desire. In virtual space, our visions transform from mere mirage into reality.


Economics must catch up to this idea, that we use our imagination to imagine what’s possible, and create, generate and perpetuate space itself. Physical space now gives way to virtual space, an unlimited, abundant, ever-expanding universal territory of information, knowledge, connection, sharing and oneness.


While physical space gave us the perspective of separateness, of each individual of society as an entity unto its own, occupying its own corner of the world, virtual space networks every person into a virtual community of oneness, our bodies becoming digital souls that merge, morph and metamorphose into a digital whole. Virtual space makes possible the reality of our language and semantic way of being, that we’re one humanity, a global society, Mankind.


We’re seeing a fundamental shift from the old order to the new order, to the new Age. And the shift is so monumental, ground-breaking, that we as humans are undergoing a fundamental transformation. The warm spot by the fireplace is now everybody’s spot, at the same time, in the same place: we’re now quantum objects, instead of binary objects that fuel dichotomous viewpoints. As quantum beings, we now engage online through Servers and Data centers, billions of us simultaneously living on the same space within Facebook, Twitter, Google.


Even the need for datacenters to house our quantum selves would never run out of space, because we elevate our buildings vertically now, instead of horizontal snakes that lie flat. Look at Dubai, Oman and the futuristic cities now under construction: it’s a vertical world of tall highrises reaching into the sky, with gardens and tress and food farms now living atop tall skyscrapers. We delve deep into the earth’s belly with fracking to unearth oil and precious minerals.


We see with Moore’s Law that microprocessors keep increasing capacity, so information becomes quantum, trillions of matter and material info fitting on a pinhead microprocessor.


No longer do we live in a world of scarce space. Everything now is abundant, ever-expanding, reaching way into the heavens, lifting humanity above the gravitational pull of earth’s magnetic core, through technology, information, knowledge and connectedness.


We’re not mere physical bodies anymore. We’re quantum souls, flying high. We’re mutated, merged, morphed into a virtual global, universal information knowledge unit, humanity existing as intelligent information, collective knowledge capital, self-aware, conscious beings who no longer covet that spot by the fireplace, but who create and generate such spots exactly as we see the original, mirroring what we want ad infinitum.


Welcome to the Knowledge Age, the metamorphosis of humanity into one global quantum frequency, a unified information organism, and a giant intelligent knowledge being breathing humanity into the galaxies and universes.


Our individuality becomes not a unit within society, but a unique thread that weaves into the fabric of the quantum beingness of life, of the universe. With space ships and flying machines and technology that overcomes the earth’s gravity, we look to the stars with wonder, our imagination taking flight to where one day our physical body would travel.


So why we still live daily with the consequences of scarcity?


We’re in this strange transition phase, where the old Industrial Age mindset that economics served is falling apart, collapsing before our eyes, as the Knowledge Age gradually comes into view.


The old way, which the science of economics made possible, and which outlived itself in creating, generating and producing this emerging Knowledge Age, functioned on this singular idea of scarcity. The old Industrial Age perceived of space, and hence resources, as scarce. The old way saw physical objects positioned on separate points along a horizontal line.


The new Knowledge Age sees quantum possibility, and banishes the idea of physical objects. We’re not physical bodies, but rather quantum creative energy, and we could generate abundant life, abundant space in the virtual world, abundant food and air and water and warmth.


We could develop abundantly satisfying lifestyles, using our imagination to generate new possibilities that lift us ever higher up the vertical plane, knowledge beings soaring through the heavens.


Now we’re facing even the question of mortality with new optimism. Who says death is finality and nothingness? Maybe there’s a new life after death, which is the message that Jesus Christ preached to Mankind.


In our current phase of history, our generation is living through the transition from the Industrial Age of physical objects, scarcity and limited space, into the new Knowledge Age, where virtual space, information, knowledge and digital objects generate enormous abundance. Now we see abundance of every single resource the human being needs to survive, thrive and grow.


Oh yes, we still experience the effects and impact of the Industrial Age, with economics still the underlying structure of global society. But we’ll see the utter collapse and demise of economics as a system upon which we build civilization. And with the collapse of economics as a universal system, we’ll see, within decades from now, the collapse of politics, nationalism and nation states and the social organization of society.


Only culture will survive the coming Apocalypse of Mankind’s current universal system, a system that’s falsely grounded upon the theories of economics. And culture will become the cornerstone of life.


Through culture we’ll see a Mankind of abundance, not scarcity. We’ll see a humanity that thrives on imagining what’s possible, and creating, generating and perpetuating a virtual world that provides us with immense satisfaction. We’ll dream of and embrace mortality with a paradigm that immortality awaits us beyond the limitations of the physical body. We’ll become soulish beings, real human beings. The physical body will become media, a canvas, an empty blank page for us to express the soul unto. And we’ll willingly shed the empty body for an immortal spirit self with no angst, dread or terror at all when death claims the body.


We’ll forever banish this debilitating, brutish, banal and false idea that scarcity underlies the existence of Mankind. Abundance, universal expansion, ever-creative regeneration is becoming our way of life.


We’re already seeing the groundwork laid for such a humanity, in the visions and work of Alphabet, Alibaba, Amazon, Apple. In Ray Kurzweil and his Singularity University, and Tesla, and the global Space program, we see the unfolding of the Knowledge Age, where we’ll be not mere physical productive units as members of society under an economic system of scarcity, but we’ll leap high as quantum knowledge beings playing on digital platforms in virtual space, becoming immortal with our endless creations, imaginative possibilities, self-inventing ourselves into stories of unique dramatic narrative, living our eternal aspirations.


Our profile and digital spiritual soul will experience immortality as virtual selves. That would be our greatest satisfaction. We’re abandoning and banishing the economics of scarcity, and starting to practice quantum abundance, as knowledge beings, as human stories, each one of us a narrative dramatic Chapter in the alive, organic, dynamic digital smartbook of Mankind. 



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